watch hand meaning in English
- Whenever , looking at my watch , i see the hand has reached the figure x , i hear the bells beginning to ring in the church close by . but from the fact that the watch hand points to ten whenever the bells begin to ring , i have not the right to infer that the position of the hands of my watch is the cause of the vibration of the bells
每当我看看钟,看到钟的指针走到十,便会听见邻近的教堂敲起钟声,但是,从指针走到十点祈祷钟声便敲响这一点出发,我无权下结论说,指针的位置是教堂的钟运动的原因。 - I see in this simply such a coincidence of events as is common in every phenomenon of life , and i see that however long and minutely i might examine the watch hand , the valve , and the wheel of the steam - engine and the oak - bud , i shall not discover the cause of the bells ringing , of the steam - engine moving , and of the spring wind